Tommy Orange’s wondrous and shattering novel follows twelve characters from Native communities: all traveling to the Big Oakland Powwow, all connected to one another in ways they may not yet realize. Among them is Jacquie Red Feather, newly sober and trying to make it back to the family she left behind. Dene Oxendene, pulling his …
Morning Routine – Positive Ways To Start Your Day
Good morning! Part of becoming an adult is developing a steady morning routine. I’ve been crafting mine for some time (though, I have certainly not perfected implementing it) and am eager to share it with you. Here are some effective ways to start your morning that help make the day more pleasant. Care For Your …
Road Trip Essentials
Hello friends; welcome to the weekend! This has been an exciting week/weekend for me so far. Just Wednesday, I embarked on a nine hour road trip to the upper peninsula of Michigan. This drive can be pretty awful, but I have found ways to make it bearable and even enjoyable. I made a list of …