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Showing 105 Result(s)

Holiday Bucket List

My favorite time of year has returned; welcome to Thanksgiving/Christmas. The holiday season is filled to the brim with adventure and excitement. There is always so much exploring to do and so many events to attend. Each year before this one, I’ve neglected to truly enjoy it because I was in school preparing for exams. …


I’m Unstoppable!

I JUST GRADUATED COLLEGE AND I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE HECK I’M DOING! Is there anyone else who has this thought, or a similar one, running through their head like… 24/7? On graduation day I walked across that stage thinking, “I am on top of the freaking world!” Unstoppable by Zadie Grey was my theme …


The Journey Begins…

This summer feels like a new chapter in my life. A lot has happened. It has been one of the busiest times of my life. It has also been one of the absolute best times of my life. I cannot believe how quick life is moving. I’m also so grateful for everything that has happened …